Love Conquers All

A reminder with with some depth!

Consider this:
Can love conquer time or death? Must it come to an end and be defeated then?
I stand by God’s word and confidently say yes it can! and no it won’t be! The love of man may fail, but God’s love conquers ALL! It lasts forever and is perfect and unceasing.

Love is divine, or it isn’t love. (I am implying that there is a divine source of love, or that the love we strum up is empty, and because I believe the first, I also reject the later.) Love seeks the greatest welfare of its objective. Love is kind, and it never gives up.
It’s not kind to render someone hopeless, nor to dissolve their relevance or purpose. So in this standard who loves the rejected, the sick, the dying or the mentally broken more than God?

Who except Him can sincerely know and tell us we have a beautiful purpose, are beloved despite our situation or community and can make light in something dark? Don’t we as the world set the standard at prosperity? So these people are in dark times since they are not prospering in accordance to our very own ideals (best is best. and more of the best is best. more affection. more ease, more joy). Without God, we might can spark a flame for the helpless by backpedalling to reduce our weighty yet natural standards, but how long will that last before we must strike up another contradiction to keep us warm again?

But God is a consuming fire and He is Light. Jesus the Son of God, like our sun made by our God, is ever-shining and powerful. He is always lit for our faith, hope and encouragement. He is alive and always awaiting to warm us and care for us in His great love. To restore us by close unity with Him and His Word, and not leave us to the worlds philosophy alone. He is a love that exceeds our understanding. A love we need. Our greatest welfare is not to be solely embraced on this earth in whatever our timespan, but to have welfare forever if there is a forever, and there is! God has made sure that some people see Him and share this. It’s why His name even began and continues on. It’s His will. He wants us to hear and receive the Good News! God creates amazing things.

Don’t allow your natural man to destroy that reality. Be redeemed! You’re loved!

* * * * *

If God were to judge you based off of His perfect standard of love, or by His law (the ten commandments which He said He commanded for the purpose of perfect love reigning) would you stand innocent or guilty? Can you say I have never broken any attribute of your law, which is perfect love?
The bible teaches that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (we cannot ever clean ourselves up enough), and that God will have a judgement separating the just from the wicked.

That if we confess our sins and forsake them for faith in Jesus Christ who sacrificed His life to be our redemption, exchanging out our spiritual deadness and darkness for life and light, we will be judged as just. BUT if we reject our sent salvation, God will condemn us to punishment for our deviation from perfect love to unloving acts that results in sadness, harm and destruction.
God has not rendered us hopeless. He knows without His guidance we are lost and prone to wickedness. He has given Himself to us through Jesus Christ, to be our light, the way, and the evidential truth of salvation! There is promised redemption and safety for those trusting in Him. He has given grace to the fallen world!

‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭13:4-8‬ ‭ “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.”


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