Who I Am
Hi! My name is Janae Ballard. I am a late twenty-something year old creative, and creative enthusiast, who has been captivated by the graces and glories of Jesus Christ! I am an American, and I am from the south. I am a proud, quirky, colored girl gifted with Spiritual wisdom.read more
My Mission
read moreAs a creative (writer, artist of digital and traditional mediums and developing self-taught animator, graphic designer and videographer) who’s had their worldview and self-awareness completely transformed by God, from dismal to eternally delighted, I have a heart that is reclaimed to, and that longs to utilize my entire being for His glory which caused this.
I want to share the life that’s been given to me, and showcase how it’s relevant to you in ways that give you ease, drive, clarity and desire. I want to be a vessel of light that ignites everyone to shine with divine purpose, sight and thought illuminated, and in infinite joy.
I seek to continually develop in His heart (Spirit), and in my gifts (skills, insights and talents) for this cause, and to enjoy every moment of this opportunity!