A Unique Three Teachings | #truthsetsfree

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭30:19‬ • “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:”

God sent these three unique teachings into my life through various pastors at the perfect time. I hope they also find you well! 

  “People know your heart”

1. “People know your heart” | If you’ve ever felt ashamed of spreading the gospel because you don’t want to feel judgemental, know there is more to you than just your words. How you say things, and with what purpose/ motive and spirit can also be read by people. People can disagree with what you’re saying, but still recognize if you are speaking from genuine love and conviction. Let God work out the rest. The Gospel needs to be told. So share, and don’t be anxious about these conversations. 

 “Pharaoh doesn’t stop [until he destroys himself]”

2. “Pharaoh doesn’t stop [until he destroys himself]” | As people who’ve been radically changed by God, we have faith that God can do a work in anyone. But don’t allow this to keep you in a dangerous situation. Sometimes a person’s heart is hardened. Faith comes by hearing. Don’t allow your love for someone to exceed your commitment to God. Some people are vessels wrath and will seek to deceive you just like the enemy. Some people are just double-minded and thrown around by the wind. Either way, God has called you to freedom. Pray and be obedient. (Matthew 10:16) 


  “Does your life differ enough?”

3. “Does your life differ enough?” | In the End Times, whenever the mark of the beast comes, as in the days of Noah the world will be unprepared; it’ll be deceived and take it. If most of the world is submitting to the anti-Christ as if it’s natural, is your life supernatural and contrary to the ways of the world enough to be one of the few to deny it? It won’t be easy, but tempting. So are you overcoming things in your life now that aren’t easy for the cause of Christ? 

 #foodforthought #blessings

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