Black is a New Color

Black Man, Multicolored Mural Portrait

Be the free spirit that you are!

I have free will to define myself, and to embrace or reject notions and stereotypes.

I am a Spirit- God’s creation and not mankind’s imaginations.

It’s so easy to be molded by peer pressures, stigmas, cultural traditions and societal expectations! We can become so compressed by that, that we never experience either side of our freedom or divine identity.

I love the power that God has! He has the authority to say, “I am a new voice, that can give new life,” in a way that captures attention, and can shake someone awake! I am glad that God was the first to expand my worldview as He provides a peace, love and righteous unfound anywhere else. He’s the only teacher that taught and shared wisdom that I’ll be forever thankful for. God alone can introduce us to our soul’s salvation, and also new revelations which have presently reshaped my life.

God ignited me to look at life, myself and my being, and I saw with a new perspective.

  • The world has its perspectives, and we can be defined by them. Some names the world gives will be charming and some bad and discouraging, but is there any value and foundation when it hurts or contradicts?

“Black” is just one of the titles I acquired. Ethnicity is a common “identity” marker. Not sure if you’ve heard, but history accounts that being “black” was not a favorable or admirable. It has gone through the evil mentality of being an identity to enslave and mistreat, and presently it remains an identity from brokenness. Though for different reasons, I believe “broken” is an identity with which many can relate- having an identity that needs redemption.

God taught me that black can be a new color, that He can make all things new, and that our Spirit is more important than our frame. He desires however for every frame to display His beauties, joys and glory; to display His Spirit, and be united with Him and each other; to be loved and lovely.

As a brown girl, a black girl, a colored girl, a melaninated young lady who’s had interest and desires that always longed to break given barriers and succeed, God’s voice became music to my ears! But not because He empowered me to be who He’s wired in me (personally a quirky creative), or because He validated that the heart has desires, and needs care and attention… Not because He seemed to affectionately speak on my behalf, but because His voice quieted the world.

We shouldn’t have to prove that we’re valuable, talented, unique or a soul made for love. We shouldn’t have to fight for basic morality with one another or the world.

God is a God who fights for us! And that’s an amazing blessing! If you are His child, He gives peace, freedom and endless love! That leaves us in a resting place where all we do is radiate- being carried in life as a light despite the darkness around us.

Black is a new color indeed! It has a glow now, from living hope and promise!

It laughs and dances, sings and connects with strangers, elders, family and life’s wonders as its original design (purposed and perfected in Christ)! I have aspiration to paint and draw these new colors into my art, and write and live them as well. To paint the black community in a new light (and of unity).

It’s time to re-identify and break the mold!

To the black community, I love you and I see the light in you!

Live beyond your environment! We are divine and each different in special ways. God loves you! Seek Him. Know Him. You should be loved because God is love, merciful and forgiving, through Christ, and that’s what He delights to show and give.

This love is for every community! No matter your race reader, let’s share victory together now and always in Christ! Judge no one by their frame. Enjoy the differences, and look at the heart and encourage it to be its best, with grace.

Be your best, and naturally be an example that kills bias and hatred. We have opportunity to love, experience and give like Christ! That makes for unity!

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