Black is a New Color

Black Man, Multicolored Mural Portrait

Be the free spirit that you are! I have free will to define myself, and to embrace or reject notions and stereotypes. I am a Spirit- God’s creation and not mankind’s imaginations. It’s so easy to be molded by peer pressures, stigmas, cultural traditions and societal expectations! We can become so compressed by that, that … Continue reading Black is a New Color

Do You Believe In Love? #HolySpirit

PSALMS 46:10 “”Be still and KNOW that I am God....” ||  Do you believe in love? Not the romantic kind... but the in general kind that passionately seeks the well-being of something...? I think that if you’re a sincere lover, then you believe in love. That it’s a reality to you, for however much you … Continue reading Do You Believe In Love? #HolySpirit

You Can Ask God Questions! #Religion

“If your religion teaches you not to question, then your religion is hiding somethings from you.” Bold concept, I know. Sometimes we need the jolt. Let’s talk about it! Firstly... Christianity does not teach to not have or ask questions! I honestly take pride in this post, as to counter the claim that all religions are … Continue reading You Can Ask God Questions! #Religion

Beauty is Deceitful

In some degree, God’s given all of us a good thing. He gives impartially whether a person is “worthy” or not in His selfless grace. But in His justice, only those who gain Him (the seekers of love - and God is perfect and pure love) truly thrive.   Inner riches will always surpass physical … Continue reading Beauty is Deceitful

Choose God over the World.

To this I agree and disagree. ⠀⠀ Maybe it’s not implying that the world is more tempting than God, but if it is... that’s false. A LIE, that we only wrestle with when we haven’t seen God. God is the mastermind behind anything we could ever enjoy! He is the spiritual and infinite heart of … Continue reading Choose God over the World.