Sweet Jesus

I have been on such a cloud 9. So optimistic, so joyous, so enthusiastic! I am exhausted from today as I type this, yet a I can’t help but laugh a little and smile! Jesus is so promising, and I don’t understand it at all! Why love someone who not only can never return anything (pitiful or of value), but also is such an imperfect person. I would think that’s painful, to never see light outside of yourself, but Jesus/God is unlike us. He is sufficient and able to sustain pleasure in Himself, and from there He simply delights in His children, in me, because we’re His creation made to grow into a beautiful sort of workmanship. THAT too could be hard to believe, that we who are His are wonderfully changing, but the more you marvel at the power and nature of Christ you start to really see it… that indeed anything is truly possible through Him! I want to see myself be blameless and just as selfless as He is so badly in light of this. Like, what a calling!? Did you hear the call and opportunity?

I’ll need so much of divine aid and guidance. Let’s shine brightly with love for the one who first loved us! Let us never boast in and of ourselves, but glorify the Father who all good comes from because He’s a worthy devotion.

Jesus first loved us, you all! The Bible is not shy about talking about the destitution of the world. Since I’ve discovered that’s God knows, hates and is grieved by just as much as we are I no longer find bad news shocking (devastating yes! shocking? unfortunately no). That’s the world because of sin. That’s the outflow from the fall. What’s new?

This light through Jesus is what’s new!

Him candidly speaking about the care He has from us so that we know it to believe and embrace is what’s new! God reminding us of the image we were first made in is what’s new! Because we have forgotten! We were not made to chase temporal insufficient things. We were not made to be bored, sad or lost… God says in His word we were made to delight in life eternal with an amazing God full of surprising selfless affection, for our joy which He delights in.
We were made with a gift! Be it your creative, athletic, wise, have spiritual gifts (some gifts we have won’t be obvious. some don’t come until we’re connected back to God and can hear Him tell us of our divine gift), or are just a beautiful person with a helping hand and a smile to make life worthwhile, there’s something you have or will have should you continue in Christ!
If you’ve only heard the enemies nay-say until now, grab the light while it’s shining. It’s God calling us to believe again!

If there is any desire for love in you, then love can exist. And whatever good exist in us, God’s good toward us is greater! So there is truthfully one trying to inspire you. If you struggle believing then like the man in Mark9:24 believe enough to say to God “Lord help my unbelief!” God gives Himself to who needs Him. If you seek Him you’ll find Him. He’s promised that. Blessed are the poor in spirit, He cares for you. (Matthew5).

And we were made to be guided by His light. Yes, it can get dark or we can be deceived to call darkness light without Him. We were made for truth, and true love. We were made to be a family, unified, beloved!


I’m feeling it! If all goes wrong tomorrow, that’s okay. I’ve been given peace. God doesn’t promise smooth sailing, He promises to ride with us and give a happy ending to His people. Repent of any old ideas. Don’t idolize sin. Everything fails in compare. Put on the redemption made through Christ. Take up a new life by His love for pursuit of His heart of love alone. There’s new and infinite good life with Him, and He wants you to have it. Embrace His heart. God is love. To reject Him is to reject love. No wonder we need salvation, are we in His hand?

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