Growing #CreatorandCreative

Let’s talk! lol

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What do you prefer coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
Last year I would have said hot chocolate only, but all of them are growing on me! I just need to know the right flavors to try. Suggestions?

Aside that, I’m currently excited, encouraged and in bliss, while simultaneously wondering, uncertain and afraid.

Like I am proud of all that I am, and have great peace with all that I am not, and am enthusiastic about my amazing God, and optimistic about our infinite journey together.

Yet, considering I know nothing of what life and people will do or bring in my journey, I have a sort of curious hesitance. It’s crazy to me how half of you can feel one way, and the other half another. My flesh is weak and tempted to fear, but my Spirit is like, “Forget all that, love God, shine, be free.” So that’s why I post regardless! I choose faith through the Spirit. I choose to love the one who first loved me because that’s who I want to be. And in light of that fear actually seems really silly.

Do you feel fear in pursuing God or exploring your deepest self? I’ve learned it’s okay to feel that way, so long as we don’t allow it to stifle us.

God’s word teaches that Jeremiah 17:9 “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?”

Doesn’t that explain a lot! Like why many of our desires let us down in the end, and fall short to amaze or bring peace? So yea, this heart of ours can lead us into all sort of crazy thinking and feelings! God created us to feel, but not to be guided by our feelings, but by wisdom. Know what’s good, what’s true, what’s to be loved and valued (what character), and pursue that, even when it doesn’t appear that way at times. Example: Being candid in a society that’s so masked doesn’t always appear wise, but God adores truth and hates lies, and I know that if we would all just be real with each other, we wouldn’t feel so alone and uncommon in our voids or weaknesses.. But more connected and understanding. More loving too I presume! And so honesty is best to live by, no?
So, fall is fleeting, but not my joy! Christmas is coming and so is a whole new year!
I have many things I’m working on from novels, to poetry, to children’s stories and art in many mediums! That’s what these imperfect playing offguard pictures of me is about. My desire is to start sharing some of that stuff with you all in the new year, 2018!

God’s inspired me to tell about His love in ways we’ve forgotten (or distorted) through my creativity. And I hope what I do will be a blessing! Imagining any other outcome is what I’m anxious about. So many people believe so many different things, but I know that God’s word is good and the final authority, so I wanna see what happens despite that! God’s got me, and He truly loves you too!

What are yill excited to do, share or discover in the new year?

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