Make IT Into Art! #Redemption

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“All the girls are pretty, all the the boys are strong.
Everyone’s got talent, I’m just like the others.
Do we really need another me, when we know they’re better?
I’m a little broken, a little twisted, a little talk too much…
How am I significant?”
Original (copyright @ballardjanae) Poetry

This was written before I found my poetry style, but I still adore this message. I praise God that I didn’t write it from a broken place, but rather in a healed reflection on my past. These feelings do continue to arise sometimes, but never with power or hopelessness! I title this piece: Only God Can Say.
I’m enough because God’s more than enough. You Are Special. Special in God’s eyes, and in the heart of all of His people! You are capable of beautiful things, and already you are so significant and radiant. Human weakness, is only a flaw in a godless world. Jesus looks at weakness and sees a cranny that He can abide in and pour His powerful love through forever! A place to engage and give that relationship of Creator with creation/ Father with Child/ Sustainer with sustained, that we were made for!

Jesus drives away shame and takes the burden out of the feelings of inadequacy. Because with Him, the God who enjoys being our strength and carrying us day by day, there’s no such thing. You’re fearfully and wonderfully made. No quirk, no thought, no depravity in us can diminish His eternal light. A light that He can set in us, despite us. A light that can outshine what we try to hide. We hide and want to run away anxious over our scars and God calls us to healing. There’s hope for the broken! God can make all things new! Sometimes what we call faults is cultural degradation of things that are in fact beautiful, but different and thus unappreciated. Maybe God has twisted you in a way where you fit to love certain people who’ll understand those edges especially?

Don’t dread your uniqueness… We are made in God’s image. God’s so grand, that of course we’re different! God is love. You’re personhood has a loving purpose!

We all doubt that at a point in our lives because we’ve all fallen from His truth, His glory. Flaws destroy us because we’ve lost our “God-sight” (if you will- godless), and we don’t know how much grace is before us. Only God can say and speak to you worth! He says that we are indeed fallen, but we’re His children and He wants to pick us up, now and always! He loves us and sent recovery! Christ restores us!
Christ restored me. I could have wasted away forever in sin, hatred, self-pity, but I think I’ll make my redemption into art, and enjoy the light I find alongside the first Artist forever! Amen!
Faith, loves!

Put your identity in Christ!

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