No Good Apart From Grace

How many mistakes does it take before something’s screwed up? …Before sorry means nothing and I’ve actually hurt someone? Imperfects not okay to me, unless You [Father God] can make it somehow ok in Your hand. Like as Your child coloring outside the lines, but then You cut the picture out to make it perfect in the end. Only You can do that. Only Your love is forgiving and pure for that, is selfless like that for whoever is in need to be in Your hand. Truly a guilty mess until refined by the blood of Christ.

Therefore resting in Your hand of grace and sweet redeeming ways, and praying you’ll hold others tight enough that they don’t fall or wander because of Your light. Because though it exposes sin, it also exposes Your compassion and the mercy and goodness that’s already among us and for us (even if that goodness is solely Your patience that inspires hope, and hope in and of itself is a showcase of Your love of relief despite and beyond our circumstances, and if in You its never vain and always evolves into a faith that sees and values every good thing in its time), and leads us to eternally better things.

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