Unashamed! #MakeDisciples

Unashamed to talk about the hope of the world!
| Unashamed to talk about the good news of eternal life!
| Unashamed to share the calling to meet the almighty selfless maker and sustainer of love,
| To tell of our Heavenly Father, and His son Jesus. Why would I be?

I’m not going to lie to you all… talking about spiritual things always stirs my stomach. Lol And I do still get anxious about it. I hope no one thinks because I continue to conquer my anxiety and say what I intend on saying that I don’t have it. It’s just that I also have God’s love dimming it with His perspectives of relief.

I am growing out of it though! I use to be so introverted in general. I meet people now and they tell me they never would have guessed, and I think to myself “Oo, great, my awkward tendencies wasn’t a tell all?” (lol Maybe I’m too hard on myself  especially considering that I think we’re all a little weird/ different haha) .


• Anyway, how can you be free from shame to freely to say the G word and the J word, and find salvation, (and isn’t it crazy the hesitation in using their name in a positive light, in comparison to the ease of taboo expression?..) especially as a young person? How can we freely speak of His heart and redemption happening in us or that you desire in your life?

I would read Paul say, Romans 1:16 “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, FOR it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” not much long ago and respond, “I’m jealous Paul, because I can’t relate. I’m not as bold as you. I don’t see as you do.” I love how a pastor broke down to pay attention to anytime you see bridge words like “for, because, thus, and so” ect. because they give the reason the person said the statement before it.
Paul said he’s not ashamed FOR it’s the way unto salvation. Like, I’m proud to tell this message because it’s going to give people life! The world is aching, fearful, feeling cheated with injustice, depressed, desperate, dying, and God has told me about Jesus sacrifice for sins and of redemption and the resurrection to come!  Of new life and of freedom! So I’m glad to go and tell!

That’s his mentality. And AH! Thank God for showing me that! It’s the reason I’m glad to tell! I know whoever believes, will seek and follow God, and find everlasting love and freedom too! It’s a promise! It’s good news!

I’m glad to know that Paul had this conversation. Like, why does it need to be said that you’re not ashamed Paul, if it’s not a shameful message? Paul is very aware of the shame in the message though. For one it’s a NEWS message, this uncommon, new to some, strange. Not the usual talk of the town. Peculiar. Second, to bridge over into the GOOD news aspect of it we first have to cover some bad news…

That we are fallen, from the perfect love and righteous standard of God, have sinned and deserving of judgement and it’s punishment, and we don’t want to feel guilty, despite it we are, and we are, and that’s bad news. BUT the good news is that God knows we’re corrupt and weak without Him, and that we’re in need of light and grace. That we can only purely love, when we know His pure love. That we are easily deceived and need His wisdom. That we need the heart and mind of Christ. That He’d have to empathically sacrifice for us… And His heart WAS so willing to save and aid mankind, through the blood of Christ. Now goes to Christ, open/ repentant with faith, will be restored to the Father. Will meet freedom from the fallen world and find eternal life with the Divine Love! No more fear, guilt or shame! Love won! 

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